
In a rapidly changing and competitive payments market, PayPal needed to re-assert their leadership position. They needed a campaign to help merchants understand that the brand is much more than a button. We needed to change perceptions and demonstrate that PayPal offers a suite of products that help merchants succeed, both online and in-person.

The focus was on three key merchant benefits that PayPal offers: the tools to scale, protection from fraud, and the highest conversion rates at checkout in the online payments game. Our tagline was a simple call to action - “Let’s Grow”.

The centerpiece of the campaign was a trio of merchant testimonial films, each focusing on a different aspect of growth from successful entrepreneurs and how they utilized PayPal to succeed.

The campaign picked up a Bronze at the 2019 San Francisco Advertising Club awards.

Role Art direction of video and photography shoots on set and through editing.

Art direction and design of Out-of-Home, online banners and social media.